Why Brands Should Consider TikTok for their Next Marketing Campaign: 5 Clear Benefits

Haley Thorpe
November 18, 2021
Updated Feb 09, 2024

*cue late-night infomercial voiceover* Are you looking for ways to convince your boss that you should be investing more in TikTok, but you're hitting roadblocks or hesitation? Maybe it's the other way around? Your boss wants you to create engaging TikTok videos, but you have no idea where to start. We understand. The slew of articles and headlines surrounding TikTok and its engagement numbers can feel daunting.

We have some good news—there is still time to join the platform, start creating short-form videos, and enjoy the experimentation process.

Here are five clear benefits to joining TikTok (if it makes sense for your overall social media strategy). Feel free to steal these ideas, transfer them to a beautiful PowerPoint slide to show your decision-makers, and you'll be on your way.

TikTok is Heating Up

Fohr's clients are extremely interested in investing as more consumers download the app and spend time on the platform. The urgency to leverage the media space is warranted.

TikTok reaches 1b active users

Why is TikTok worth the hype? First, it's convenient to use and to post content. Second, it's unique and creative in its content. And third, the content is hand-delivered to your For You page that the AI algorithms know you'll like.

This being said, it's always important to engage a multi-platform approach to see where your different audiences are and test what works. It's important to bring in other platforms to round out your overall social media or influencer marketing strategy.

5 Benefits of TikTok for Brands

Why should your company consider joining TikTok and what are the potential brand benefits?

1. Reach highly engaged app users

The algorithm will help serve your content to relevant audiences. Even sweeter—they don't necessarily have to be following you. This will help you test, learn, and reach new audiences to see what works. The audiences are also highly engaged.

46% of TikTok users engage with TikTok's content without any other distractions, vs. 37% on competing platforms. / 'Time Well Spent' study by TikTok

2. Tap into younger audiences (particularly Gen Z)

This generation spends a lot of time on their phones consuming content.

Nearly 50% of Gen Z spend at least 6 hours of screen time on their device daily / MediaKix

“What further propelled the growth of TikTok was the need for teenagers to get off Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat and have a place of their own where their parents couldn’t see what they were up to. This app is fun, it’s an outlet and something different than what currently exists, although the concept is really not entirely new.” - John Lincoln, CEO of Ignite Visibility, originally posted on Forbes.

3. Be a part of the cultural zeitgeist, and align your brand with trending topics

We at Fohr recommend that your content entertains, educates, or inspires your viewers. TikTok trends allow you to do any or all of these things by simply jumping on trending hashtags (learn more trends with our HotToks series) or by using influencers to do the creative work.

Take Duolingo’s TikTok account as an example, as they handed the creative control over to their social media coordinator. Their strategy involves keeping up with existing trends rather than trying to create new ones.

Because viewership is so turbulent, this is a great time for testing and learning to see what works.  And, most importantly, have fun while doing it.

4. Save on production costs

Low-fi content that is to-the-camera, authentic, and more off-the-cuff does really well on TikTok. That means you can skip the studio and have your sponsorships, partnered content, even company posting feel in the moment, saving your marketing dollars.

5. Invest now while your competitors aren't

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but here's why it's true. According to Statista, only 9% of marketers are said to be utilizing TikTok compared to 93% on Facebook and 78% on Instagram. Start building your following now and find your TikTok audience before your competitors find them first.

We’ve released a truly comprehensive TikTok marketing survival guide on how to navigate the TikTok universe, to better understand the niches and communities inside it, and help translate the cultural movements inspired by its users and creators.

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