10 Questions: Melanie Knopke

July 12, 2018
Updated Sep 19, 2023

Name: Melanie Knopke
Instagram: @kcstylescout
Website: www.melanieknopke.com
Years of being an Influencer: 10 years

1. What does success as an influencer look like to you?
Being unique, being a tastemaker, and setting the trends not following them. 

2. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an extrovert! 

3. How do you try and stand out from other people with similar followings? What makes you different?
I am an “old lady” in the blogging world; turning 40 this year. I was blogging 10 years ago, before there was Instagram, Pinterest or even the term “ influencer.” There is a niche for women in the 40 plus crowd who want to be inspired. They want fashion, beauty and fitness that appeals to their age group. I enjoy sharing tips on how to stay on trend, healthy and happy as a mom over 40. 

4. Do you feel like blogging can provide you enough success to make a satisfactory living?
I think if you can put the time into it! Right now I am the wife of an entrepreneur and we are raising 2 kids, which is my first priority. I love blogging as an outlet for my writing, and a way to fuel my creative side. 

5. Who do you look to for inspiration?
I think that Jacey Duprie; Damsel in Dior does the best job at being true to herself and genuine. She somehow inserts her paid relationships with her content seamlessly. You can also tell that she doesn’t just take anything that is paid. I think you have to be very particular when choosing your sponsorships. Her style and personality keep me coming back for more! 

6. What’s the hardest thing about your job?
Definitely balancing all the hats I wear; being a good mom, a wife, keeping our home life in balance and then also maintaining my blog and writing assignments with publications I work with. 

7. What’s your favorite image that you’ve ever taken?
Recently I was doing a shoot for jewelry; the photographer snapped a profile photo of me. I have never been fond of my profile, but this photo has helped me embrace who I am. It is a reminder that beauty is not about perfection. It is about how we carry ourselves, and what is on the inside that truly matters

8. Where is the influencer landscape headed—will your job exist in 5 years?
I think influencers as a marketing tool is only going to grow the next 5 years. I do think that the market is saturated, but that influencers will have to learn how to differentiate themselves, have authentic followers, and genuine engagement to be considered. 

9. What has being an influencer done to your self image / self confidence?
It has definitely boosted my confidence! I think the thing I have learned over the years is that you can’t take yourself too seriously, or care what others think. I always share content that I believe in. Those who want to follow along will, you can’t force that aspect of the influencer world. Always stay true to yourself! 

10. If someone were starting out today, what advice would you give that person?
Don’t compare yourself, don’t copy others, have unique content and be yourself! 

"10 Questions" is a series where Fohr asks influencers, well, 10 questions to get to know them better.

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