10 Questions: Ceta Walters

December 16, 2018
Updated Sep 19, 2023

Name: Ceta Walters
Instagram: @clarkandstone
Fohr profile: Clark and Stone
Years of being an Influencer: 2


Ceta 10-9-18 #1-12.jpg


1. What does success as an influencer look like to you?
Success as an influencer to me is being able to work with brands that I truly believe in.  Authenticity is so important to me.  I'm so grateful for the amazing brands I've been able to collaborate with.  The money will follow as long as I am true to myself.  

2. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm a little of both.  I'm pretty extroverted and will usually be the first to initiate conversation.  However, I work better solo.  I don't get much done trying to work at a coffee shop with friends.  

3. How do you try and stand out from other people with similar followings and niches? What makes you different?
I stand out from other people by staying true to myself.  I like to describe my style as classic, edgy, and boho.  I'm not sure if there is such a thing but that's me in a nutshell.  I don't adopt every trend that every blogger is shooting.  I beat to my own drum.  I believe there is room for everyone and my people are my people. I also have two kids.  I like to inspire other mothers to keep a little bit of who they were before motherhood.  You don't have to sacrifice yourself to be a good mother.  I feel it makes you a better mother when your children see you with a life outside of them.

4. Do you create content full-time? If so, how'd you get there? If not, what's your other job like?
I create content a little more than part time.  Almost full-time.  I started with my full time job being my two sons, Clark and Stone.  Most bloggers that transition to creating content full time work a full time job and their blog at night.  My full time job (my sons) were in school until 3.  I had the time during the day to get a ton of stuff done in addition to at night.

5. Who do you look to for inspiration?
I look to the magazines and other fashion industry professionals.  

6. What’s the hardest thing about your job?
The hardest part about my job is finding the balance between blogging and my personal life.  I want to create content everywhere I go but it's difficult sometimes.  I'm currently looking for photographers in other cities to coordinate with personal travel in 2019.  

7. What’s your favorite image that you’ve ever taken?
My favorite is in this red dress inside a museum.  I'm standing on a ladder but I look like I'm floating in air.  




8. Where is the influencer landscape headed—what would your job look like in 5 years?
That's a great question. I want to continue to grow and gain more visibility with brands.   Definitely, I would love more travel collaborations with and without my boys.  I would love to collaborate in regards to design with a brand.  I'm a die hard nail art junky.  Partnering with a nail polish brand to create colors under the Clark and Stone umbrella would be so cool.  Or, creating a capsule collection with a kids brand for boys.  I love dressing my boys but its far more difficult to dress boys than it is for girls.  There are way more options for cool girls clothes than boys.

9. What has being an influencer done to your self image / self confidence?
As a mother, being an influencer has helped my self image and self confidence.  Being an influencer helps me to make myself a priority.  I always want to look my best for shoots and events.  I stay on top of being healthy and taking care of myself.  I'm human so it have to work hard to make sure I don't go do the comparison hole.  It's so easy to want to compare yourself to the next girl but she's not you.  I try to live by the motto of "What's for me will be."  

10. If someone were starting out today, what advice would you give that person?
Do your homework.  I took a year to research everything about blogging before I launched my blog, October 2016.  That homework gave me a great foundation to hit the ground running.  Also, determine your niche and stick with it.  I share fashion, motherhood, and travel. You can't be everything to everyone.  

"10 Questions" is a series where Fohr asks influencers, well, 10 questions to get to know them better. Check out other posts in the series here.

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