10 Questions: Barbie Brignoni

February 7, 2019
Updated Sep 19, 2023




Name: Barbie Brignoni
Instagram: @barbiebrignoni
Fohr profile: barbiebrignoni (Verified Reach)
Years of being an Influencer: Less than 1 (began in March 2018)

1. What does success as an influencer look like to you?
When I first started my blog, I wanted it to be a space for my younger sisters to always use when they needed fashion advice, relationship advice, or just needed a push. Everything I do and write, I do with a mindset of “what would help them during these growing stages” whether it’s high school or their first job in Boston. I do this so they can feel closer even when I’m far from home (since I am traveling with my boyfriend/photographer @haroldcamilo most of the time). I guess, becoming a “successful influencer” would mean to become a relatable, role model for other girls, like my sisters, and inspire them to be unapologetically themselves, to own their style as crazy as it may be, and to become stronger spiritually. If I can achieve this, then I served my purpose in this world.

2. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Extrovert. Definitely. I love introducing myself to a person for the first time and simply creating something out of nothing—the sudden transparency and honesty overcomes the fear of judgement when two strangers are able to exchange ideas or DMs about goals, dreams, spirituality, relationships—and that is what moves me.

3. How do you try and stand out from other people with similar followings and niches? What makes you different?
While my focus might be fashion and lifestyle, I want it to feel meaningful, and dare I say, spiritual. My goal is to make the audience stop for a second because they love where I am or what I’m wearing, but I want my words to actually inspire something. I want my words to be exactly what the person on the other side needed in that specific moment. I don’t want to only talk about this shirt over that shirt or how a $20 pair of leggings can be so life changing; I want to create something that is actually meaningful.

Also, I think it’s a plus to be able to connect with both American and Latin audiences in their respective languages. Doing so, inspires a wider mindset and breaks barriers between cultures.   

4. Do you create content full-time? If so, how'd you get there? If not, how do you balance your other work?
I create content full-time. Not only for myself but for other brands as well. I got here by constantly searching for new brands I could fall in love with and believe in their mission. At first it was all about reaching out nonstop and offering my talents in exchange for their trust.  Slowly but surely they and other brands started to learn about my work.

5. Who do you look to for inspiration?
Wow! Great question. I’ve always been inspired by @songofstyle’s style, @tezza’s photography and creativity, and @gypsealust’s trips.

6. What’s the hardest thing about your job?
The hardest thing about my job I think is me. It’s so easy to fall into a comparison game when you see others growing faster, collaborating with the brands you love, etc. Trying to keep a positive and consistent attitude is key. Always remember why you started and what you’re trying to accomplish.

I think the second hardest is sustain and grow your business. Of course, like any other business, it’s hard at first. But again, consistency is key.

7. What’s your favorite image that you’ve ever taken?




8. Where is the influencer landscape headed—what would your job look like in 5 years?
It’s hard for me to even understand how most companies were able to make true connections with their real audiences before the social media era (saying this from a public relations background). Thanks to influencers, smaller brands have been able to find their voice and bigger brands have been able to branch out and move away from their traditional ideals. We’ve been able to build a platform that is founded on true connections and I hope it continues to grow in the right direction.

On the personal side, I potentially see myself along with my boyfriend/photographer @haroldcamilo, as experts in the fashion/travel spectrum and able to sustain our business through this platform.

9. What has being an influencer done to your self image / self confidence?
I used to think it was absolutely necessary to look perfect in every single shot, no pimples, no wrinkles, nothing—which is not natural at all. With time, I realized that if I really loved the original shot, as it was, with imperfections and all, my audience would love it as well. I saw it as an opportunity to be true to myself and inspire body positivity in all of us, including myself. So it’s safe to say that it has build a better, stronger, more confident woman in me.

10. If someone were starting out today, what advice would you give that person?
There is always room for more in this industry. Find your voice and let it be heard. You are probably so unique, beautiful and talented, why not embrace that? Also, if you love it, if you truly see yourself doing this for the rest of your life, then give it your 1000% percent. Don’t be afraid because if you do what you love, success will follow.

"10 Questions" is a series where Fohr asks influencers, well, 10 questions to get to know them better. Check out other posts in the series here.

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