Introducing the Ambassador Management Platform

March 8, 2021
Updated Sep 28, 2023

Can you think of a brand that doesn't have a Careers page listed on their website? Of course you can’t, but then why don’t brands have a place for influencers to apply to work with them? For too long the industry has been based on cold DM’s and personal relationships, but we are looking to change that. We recently unveiled our Ambassador Management Platform (AMP); a centralized place for influencers and customers to apply to become ambassadors for those brands.

There are three main problems we are hoping to solve with this new product:

1. Real love

Imagine if every sponsored post you did was for a brand you truly loved and supported. What if getting in front of those brands was as easy as applying for a job? Real love means real enthusiasm for the partnership, real enthusiasm and passion are what make your brand collaborations compelling.

2. Relationships

This industry depends too heavily on relationships, and knowing the right people. This is a great benefit to people who have those relationships and a great hindrance to those who do not. Brands investing in influencer marketing should have a place where anyone can apply to work with them.

3. Authenticity

Your followers are more sensitive than ever to partnerships that feel forced or in-authentic. Authenticity is impossible to fake, because it is built on honesty, and that's why it's important for brands to work with influencers who truly love their products.

The past year has forced social media and influencers into a spotlight, and for the foreseeable future they will continue to be THE driving force for brand discovery. This industry needs tools to make it more accessible, more efficient and generally better and we are excited to do just that with AMP.  

Sign up here and together we’ll step into the warm light of real love. It will be our genuine pleasure to reach out to learn about your brand and create a just-right solution for you.

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