Fohr Good - Bear Hugs for Bears

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We’ve been thinking about how powerful our technology is in terms of identifying interests based on key words, and how cool it would be to use it to spread the good word on some people who are doing awesome things.

This month we're launching #FohrGood, a new initiative where we identify a charity whose mission resonates with us, reach out to influencers who feel the same way, and join forces to bring light to a cause we both believe in. This month's organization is Animals Asia, whose aim is to promote compassion and respect for all animals and works to bring about long-term change. May 2-9 marks the launch of their #bearhugsforbears campaign.

More than 10,000 moon bears are kept in cages on bile farms in China. The bears have their bile extracted on a regular basis (a painful, invasive process) which is not only used in traditional medicine, but also in many ordinary household products. This cruel practice continues despite the availability of a large number of effective and affordable herbal and synthetic alternatives.

By joining #BearHugsforBears, you'll be helping raise awareness and drive donations towards Animals Asia's efforts to help put an end to bile farming.

In addition to the social posts, Fohr Card as a company will be taking part in the Matchmaker 5k, a memorial run supporting The Icla da Silva Foundation.

To find out more about the campaign and how you can use your voice to raise awareness, check out the campaign page.

Here is an adorable video of one of the recently rescued bears doin' his thang in his brand new sanctuary pool. You're welcome.

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